Welcome to the AWMDA WebsiteThe Alberta White-tail & Mule Deer Associations' primary role is to facilitate the development of a profitable and environmentally sustainable deer industry and to promote responsible and humane production of white-tail and mule deer in Alberta. We accomplish this be providing educational material to our members and by providing information to the general public.
M E M B E R S H I PAlready a Deer Farmer in Alberta?Join AWMDA and receive benefits such as:
Support with starting and managing a deer farming operation Promotion of the deer farming industry in Alberta A united voice when working with government and other agencies |
Interested in Data from the Past?
If you're interested in archived statistics and information about the Alberta Whitetail & Mule Deer Association then please contact us.
Alberta Whitetail & Mule Deer Association
Box 591 Eckville, AB CANADA T0M 0X0 |
Ph: 403-748-4040
Email: [email protected] |
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2019 AWMDA.
Updates to the website have been funded by the Government of Alberta's Community Donation Grant
Updates to the website have been funded by the Government of Alberta's Community Donation Grant