Our links page contains an extensive list of industry links including:
General Sites of InterestWapiti.Net contains information and links to elk resources on the Internet. provides information and resources including a library, free classified ads, a discussion forum and a free monthly newsletter. British Deer Society - a registered charity that provides a meeting place for those interested in deer conservation and biology. RancherNet provides useful information and contacts about elk as well as other diversified livestock. Venison Forum has a collection of cooking tips, recipes, breeders and other relevant information. |
Deer Farming Resources
- Alberta Elk Commission
- Colorado Elk and Game Breeders Association
- Federation of European Deer Farmers Association
- Idaho Venison Council
- Illinois Elk Producers Association
- Iowa Whitetail Deer Association
- Kansas Elk Breeders Association
- Kentucky Alternative Livestock Assoc. Inc.
- Manitoba Elk Growers Association
- Michigan Elk Breeders Association
- Minnesota Elk Breeders Association
- Nebraska Elk Breeders Association
- North American Deer Farmers Association
- North American Elk Breeders Association
- Northern New England Deer Farmers Association
- Ontario Deer and Elk Farmers Association
- South Dakota Elk Breeders Association
- Texas Deer Association
- Whitetails of Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Commercial Deer and Elk Farmers' Association
Products & Services |
Magazines & BooksDeer Tracking Magazine - Canada's deer farming industry newsletter online and a site on showcasing the industry's big bucks.
Outdoor Organizations
Boone & Crockett - Conservation, research, education and demonstration.
Pope & Young - Dedicated To The Protection Of Our Bowhunting Heritage And North America's Wildlife.
Safari Club International - working for conservation of wildlife, education and protection of the right to hunt.
Pope & Young - Dedicated To The Protection Of Our Bowhunting Heritage And North America's Wildlife.
Safari Club International - working for conservation of wildlife, education and protection of the right to hunt.
General Agricultural Sites & Directories
Agri-ville is an Alberta-based agricultural Web site that has articles by specialists, marketing and production discussion groups, chat, on-line courses and much more.
AgInfoNet is a non-profit corporation with a mandate to encourage the adoption of information technology to improve the competitiveness of western Canadian prairie agriculture. AgriCarta is an information resource directory within AgInfoNet where producers can access reliable, pertinent and timely information on all aspects of agriculture.
AgriWeb Canada - Linked Sites is a very extensive list of links by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to agricultural and agri-business sites in Canada.
Ropin' the Web is Alberta Agriculture's very comprehensive and detailed Web site that contains thousands of pages of information and resources.
Saskatchewan Agriculture's Web site provides information about the Department, programs, services and agricultural information and resources of interest to prairie farmers.
AgInfoNet is a non-profit corporation with a mandate to encourage the adoption of information technology to improve the competitiveness of western Canadian prairie agriculture. AgriCarta is an information resource directory within AgInfoNet where producers can access reliable, pertinent and timely information on all aspects of agriculture.
AgriWeb Canada - Linked Sites is a very extensive list of links by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to agricultural and agri-business sites in Canada.
Ropin' the Web is Alberta Agriculture's very comprehensive and detailed Web site that contains thousands of pages of information and resources.
Saskatchewan Agriculture's Web site provides information about the Department, programs, services and agricultural information and resources of interest to prairie farmers.
Alberta Whitetail & Mule Deer Association
Box 591 Eckville, AB CANADA T0M 0X0 |
Ph: 403-748-4040
Email: [email protected] |
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2019 AWMDA.
Updates to the website have been funded by the Government of Alberta's Community Donation Grant
Updates to the website have been funded by the Government of Alberta's Community Donation Grant